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horizontal seismic coefficient中文是什么意思

用"horizontal seismic coefficient"造句"horizontal seismic coefficient"怎么读"horizontal seismic coefficient" in a sentence


  • 横向震动系数
  • 水平地震系数


  • A solid - waste containment system can be simplified as a slope which contains a layer of geomembrane ( which is simplified as interlayer slope in the rest part ) . shaking table model test and numerical analysis have been done to study the seismic stability of interlayer slope based on the two - part wedge theory in this paper . many factors which affect the slope stability ratio , including horizontal seismic coefficient , slope angle , soil - geomembrane interaction coefficient , slope length , layer thickness and soil character , have been took into consideration
    填埋场防渗基坑的边坡可以简化成含土工膜夹层的土坡(以下简称夹层土坡) ,本文根据“双滑楔体”理论思想,对夹层土坡的地震稳定性问题进行了较为系统的模型试验和数值分析,着重考虑了水平地震系数、夹层土坡坡角、土工膜与覆盖层土体摩擦系数、夹层边坡长度和厚度、夹层土坡覆盖层土体性质等因素对土坡安全系数的影响,并对地震作用下夹层土坡的永久变形进行了初步的研究,给出了对实际工程设计有参考价值的结论。
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